Early Career Researchers Network
Development of the Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network began in 2023, when the GSA Research Working Group wanted to explore how best to leverage the GSA platform and network to support ECRs develop their work and progress their career. In July 2023 we held an ECR Online café, to discuss ideas of what the GSA could do to support ECRs working on schistosomiasis and indentify challenges and needs that the GSA could support and take forward. A clear ask from ECRs was for a dedicated network and peer-to-peer forum to share information and develop ideas.
The ECR Network is led by the ECR Steering Committee. It was established to create a collaborative platform for early career research professionals working on schistosomiasis aiming to expand their skills in leadership, research, grants, and provide support for their contemporaries. The committee aims to foster professional growth, knowledge sharing, and a supportive community environment.
Join the ECR on Telegram
After consultation with the steering committee and early career researchers from diverse geographical locations, disciplines and career stages, we started the ECR Telegram group - it has the advantage of using low bandwith, of rapid dissemination, and of being mobile phone friendly. Whilst a phone number is needed for the Telegram, once registered a member can create a username and hide their phone number.