05 Apr 2021 Communication piece on commercially available diagnostic tests The GSA Diagnostics work stream has developed a communications piece listing all commercially available diagnostics for Schistosomiasis. Available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
12 Nov 2021 FIND DxConnect virtual biobank directory FIND has established a virtual platform for researchers and institutions to make their NTD research interests and sample collections visible to the international community, to enable sharing of biological materials, and to attract collaborative projects.
13 Oct 2022 FIND NTD Test Directory FIND launch an open-access, fully searchable online portal for NTD diagnostics and invite the NTD community to contribute their tests.
1 May 2019 WHO Bench aids for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites This is the second edition of WHO Bench aids for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites, intended both as a practical tool for the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections for laboratory and field workers and as a teaching aid for students and trainees.
12 Oct 2021 Diagnostic target product profiles for monitoring, evaluation and surveillance of schistosomiasis control programmes World Health Organization. (2021). Diagnostic target product profiles for monitoring, evaluation and surveillance of schistosomiasis control programmes.
04 Jun 2024 LUMC SOPs | Collection of sample material for molecular diagnosis (PCR) of parasites LUMC Standard operating procedures for the collection of human samples for molecular diagnosis of parasites.
15 April 2015 WHO Pocket Atlas for Healthcare Professionals to Diagnose Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) This Female Genital Schistosomiasis Pocket Atlas has been developed as a visual aid to raise awareness of the infection and to facilitate clinical diagnosis by clinical health-care professionals working in low-resource settings, especially in rural areas where schistosomiasis is endemic.
02 Jul 2024 Test-treat-track-test-treat (5T) approach for S. haematobium elimination on Pemba Island, Tanzania Report on the results, strengths, and shortcomings of novel test-treat-track-test-treat (5T) interventions in low Schistosoma haematobium prevalence areas on Pemba, Tanzania.
04 Jun 2024 LUMC SOPs | Collection of sample material for molecular diagnosis (PCR) of parasites LUMC Standard operating procedures for the collection of human samples for molecular diagnosis of parasites.
02 Nov 2023 GSA Chicago Meeting Report and Slides The GSA hosted a special one-day meeting on the 18th of October in Chicago: Schistosomiasis: Celebrating Recent Achievements Supporting Elimination Goals. The meeting offered an opportunity to hear about the progress made by schistosomiasis programmes, celebrate ongoing work and consider some of the exciting research and developments that will help us reach the elimination targets. The meeting report and slides are shared here.
02 Aug 2023 Article | The long road to schistosomiasis elimination in Zanzibar: A systematic review covering 100 years of research, interventions and control milestones This systematic review identifies and discusses milestones in schistosomiasis research, control and elimination efforts in Zanzibar over the past 100 years.
28 Jun 2023 Webinar | Where are the samples? Biobanks for NTD research and development In this ISNTDConnect webinar, we showcase the need for biorepositories and biobanks for research and development in NTDs.
09 Mar 2023 Webinar | Lab to the field; molecular diagnostics in low resource settings In this ISNTDConnect, we are showcasing exciting innovation in molecular diagnostics in low resource settings, a laboratory in a suitcase, developed by Xpedite Diagnostics for molecular work in resource limited settings.
13 Oct 2022 FIND NTD Test Directory FIND launch an open-access, fully searchable online portal for NTD diagnostics and invite the NTD community to contribute their tests.
02 Aug 2022 Diagnosis of schistosomiasis by CCA or CAA detecting lateral flow tests The GSA hosted an online symposium on Diagnosis of schistosomiasis by CCA or CAA detecting lateral flow tests: Facts and challenges, on June 14 2022, supported by the INSPiRED project.
01 Aug 2022 WHO | Sharing and reuse of health-related data for research purposes: WHO policy and implementation guidance
16 May 2022 Webinar | FreeBILy: diagnostic clinical trials for schistosomiasis This ISNTD Connect meeting takes a closer look at recent clinical trials towards new diagnostics for schistosomiasis, focusing on the freeBILy trial.
24 Jan 2022 Development of training competencies to improve prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of FGS for health workers Addressing a silent and neglected scourge in sexual and reproductive health in Sub-Saharan Africa by development of training competencies to improve prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of female genital schistosomiasis (FGS) for health workers
31 Jan 2022 WHO | launch of One Health companion document This companion document provides guidance on what actions are needed – by programme managers, countries, international organizations, and non-State actors – to take a One Health approach to achieve the WHO NTD road map 2021-2030 targets.
12 Oct 2021 Diagnostic target product profiles for monitoring, evaluation and surveillance of schistosomiasis control programmes World Health Organization. (2021). Diagnostic target product profiles for monitoring, evaluation and surveillance of schistosomiasis control programmes.
31 May 2021 Countdown Nigeria Training Guide For The Case Management Of Women And Girls With Symptoms Of Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) This training guide supports the diagnosis and care of suspected female genital schistosomiasis and how to appropriately refer women or girls for further investigation when required.
05 Apr 2021 Communication piece on commercially available diagnostic tests The GSA Diagnostics work stream has developed a communications piece listing all commercially available diagnostics for Schistosomiasis. Available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
14 July 2020 Genital self-sampling compared with cervicovaginal lavage for the diagnosis of female genital schistosomiasis in Zambian women: The BILHIV study. Given the potentially causal association of female genital schistosomiasis (FGS) with HIV-1 infection, improved diagnostics are urgently needed to scale-up FGS surveillance. The BILHIV (bilharzia and HIV) study assessed the performance of home-based self-collection methods (cervical and vaginal swabs) compared to cervicovaginal lavage (CVL) for the detection of Schistosoma DNA by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
1 May 2020 Meeting Report: WHO Diagnostic Technical Advisory Group for Neglected Tropical Diseases The first meeting of the Diagnostic Technical Advisory Group (DTAG), an advisory group to the WHO Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases, was held at the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Geneva, Switzerland, on 30–31 October 2019.
05 May 2020 Sensitive diagnostic tools and targeted drug administration strategies are needed to eliminate schistosomiasis To interrupt the transmission of, and eventually eliminate, schistosomiasis, better local targeting of preventive chemotherapy, in combination with highly sensitive diagnostic tools, is crucial.
22 April 2020 Detecting Schistosoma mansoni infections among pre-school-aged children in southern Ghana: a diagnostic comparison of urine-CCA, real-time PCR and Kato-Katz assays To better assess the infection burden within pre-school aged children this article provides a comparative assessment of the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni in pre-school-aged children by urine circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) dipsticks, real-time PCR Taqman® faecal assays and Kato-Katz coproscopy.
1 May 2019 WHO Bench aids for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites This is the second edition of WHO Bench aids for the diagnosis of intestinal parasites, intended both as a practical tool for the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections for laboratory and field workers and as a teaching aid for students and trainees.
14 December 2018 Translating preventive chemotherapy prevalence thresholds for Schistosoma mansoni from the Kato-Katz technique into the point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen diagnostic test Operational research on POC-CCA and Kato-Katz prevalence thresholds for S. mansoni mapping, control and surveillance.
17 April 17 Bilharziose génitale chez la femme : atlas de poche pour les professionnels de la santé. Cet atlas de poche de la bilharziose génitale féminine a été élaboré comme une aide visuelle pour sensibiliser sur l’infection et faciliter le diagnostic clinique par les professionnels de santé travaillant dans des environnements à faibles ressources, en particulier dans les zones rurales où la bilharziose est endémique.
15 April 2015 WHO Pocket Atlas for Healthcare Professionals to Diagnose Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS) This Female Genital Schistosomiasis Pocket Atlas has been developed as a visual aid to raise awareness of the infection and to facilitate clinical diagnosis by clinical health-care professionals working in low-resource settings, especially in rural areas where schistosomiasis is endemic.