WHO | launch of One Health companion document

Ending the neglect to attain the sustainable development goals: One health: approach for action against neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030
Taking a One Health approach that recognises the relationships between human, animal, and environmental health is key to sustainably address NTDs, and to achieve the targets set out in WHO’s Road map for neglected tropical disease 2021-2030. Fundamentally, One Health is about understanding “whole-of-system ” interactions and bringing together relevant stakeholders and sectors to take a coordinated approach where appropriate. For example, by designing interventions that address common human, animal, or environmental risk factors; or that build core capacities such as surveillance to strengthen health systems overall.
This companion document provides guidance on what actions are needed – by programme managers, countries, international organizations, and non-State actors – to take a One Health approach to achieve the road map targets. The first step is simple: explore where a One Health approach would be appropriate and beneficial to your context. Start now, start anywhere, with the context and resources available – and expand your approach as you build capability, connections, and momentum. Now is the time to act, together, to end the burden of NTDs for good.