Monitoring and Evaluation
Purpose and Priorities
GSA partners have set up the GSA Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group (M&E WG) to enable a coordinated and aligned approach in the development of evidence-based M&E strategies and operational frameworks used to guide the implementation of schistosomiasis control and elimination programmes.
In April 2018 GSA partners reviewed and developed a Schistosomiasis Action Plan which identified critical actions to accelerate progress to the schistosomiasis 2020 goals and schistosomiasis control and elimination goals beyond 2020.
Those specifically of interest to this M&E WG group are:
- Action 2. Improve data quality and mapping to support targeting and tracking progress
- Action 4. Optimize MDA through operational research and adjustments based on existing research & Introduce micro-targeting of MDA and other interventions at the community level
Other actions that are also of interest to this group are:
- Action 6. Develop/introduce revised diagnostic (assay & method) for implementation
- Action 9. Develop/introduce revised diagnostic approach for elimination certification
The priorities of the GSA M&E Working Group include but are not limited to:
- Develop preferred practice/ operational framework for precision mapping
- Develop preferred practice/ operational framework for impact assessments
- Identify appropriate diagnostics and sampling strategy tailored to epidemiological and programmatic setting
- Identify operational research needed for precision mapping and impact assessments
- Promote data sharing with ESPEN and standardization of data by setting and goal
- Advocate for research into practical measurable indicators and monitoring for complicated morbidity e.g. for FGS and severe schistosomiasis
The GSA M&E Working Group will also look at:
- Experience in the field gained in other NTDs and the broader infectious disease landscape.
- Lessons to be learned from ICTC, GAELF, NNN, and others
Current members of the GSA M&E Working Group include representation from COUNTDOWN, Evidence Action, MENTOR Initiative, NALA Foundation, RTI, SCI Foundation, Sightsavers, and The End Fund.
If you would like to be involved please email us: anouk [dot] gouvras [at] eliminateschisto [dot] org