FGS FAST Package training

01 Dec 2024
FAST Package

Training is an important component of the FAST Package. Research has repeatedly shown that healthcare providers at different levels of the system are not aware about FGS. Before raising awareness in the community, healthcare providers need to be made aware of FGS, its signs and symptoms.

Integral to the FAST Package approach are the following elements:

  • Creation of local subject matter experts
  • Case-based scenarios for professionals who carry out pelvic exams and those who do not carry out pelvic exams
  • Learners at all levels create action plans to address FGS within their own spheres of influence and are encouraged to comment on the action plan of their peers

The training packages developed by the FAST Package team include:

  • An online training was carried out through the coordination of Bridges to Development and the Geneva Learning Foundation for all health professionals working in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • In person training modules to create Subject Matter Experts in country which can be delivered in person or over several weeks in a series of webinars and discussion groups
  • In person one-day training for frontline healthcare workers at the district level

Training videos for Subject Matter Experts

The FAST Package developed a set of short training videos which can be used to support training of subject matter experts in endemic countries. They are intended to be viewed, with time for discussion amongst the participants. 

Online Training Workshop

Below are videos from the online training developed in coordination of Bridges to Development and the Geneva Learning Foundation. There have been several iterations of this training.

Female Genital Schistosomiasis FIG Diagnostics