IEC and Social Mobilization NTD Tool Kit
This guide takes the user through a step-by-step process to systematically review, revise, develop and adapt current IEC materials and social mobilization approaches. It involves a five step process and the requisite tools to complete each step. The guide and associated tools help NTD program managers and planners develop and or strategically review social mobilization and communication strategies.
Step One (Gather) is preliminary work which should be done before a planning activity is organized.
Steps two through five (Synthesize, Align, Act and Verify) make up a day-long planning activity should include all relevant program managers and ministry representatives.
While this specific resource focuses on programs and strategies to ensure adequate program coverage and uptake of MDA, there is a recognized need for a broader approach to NTD control and elimination that would include a holistic approach to social and behavioral change. This includes interventions focused to increase healthy behaviors in hygiene, sanitation, uptake of surgical services (trichiasis and hydrocele) and uptake of MDA activities. Other important behavioral and social issues for NTDs include disability and stigmatization of those already affected by NTDs. The processes outlined in this guide could easily be adapted to facilitate the review and development process for targeted social mobilization and communication materials and strategies in integrated programs.