GSA Progress and Activity Report 2022-2023
The GSA strategic plan (2022-2025) outlined our priorities, which closely align to the WHO 2030 Roadmap and the earlier GSA Schistosomiasis Action Plan. Our five focus areas and associated actions will act as the template for our future activities as reported here. It is with the aim of enhancing and improving current methods of control that our Working groups and Work Streams, together with our website and many outreach activities bring together the many different strands of schistosomiasis control.
The International Task Force for Disease Eradication (ITFDE) in 2022 concluded that intersectoral cooperation is vital for schistosomiasis elimination and reinforced the need for coordinated action and partnerships amongst health, water, agriculture, animal and education sectors (WER9804-4150). By bringing the schistosomiasis community together and encouraging cross-cutting and cross-sector activities the GSA aims to be a key player in helping to achieve the WHO Roadmap targets. Here we present the many and diverse activities that took place in 2022 and our plans for 2023.