Special Schisto Bulletin - impact of Covid-19 on schistosomiasis activities
Impact of COVID-19 on schistosomiasis activities.
We hope you are all safe, well and coping with the fast-changing pace of events and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. GSA is a community of diverse partners, members and stakeholders working on schistosomiasis, and the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions will impact on our work in many different ways. Therefore to strengthen our community by sharing experiences and plans, we reached out to a number of our partners and asked them the following three questions:
- How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted on your activities, particularly your ability to support NTD programmes / support M&E activities / carry out schistosomiasis related research?
- What are your top priorities and challenges related to the impact of COVID-19?
- Looking ahead, what preparations/ plans are needed for when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, and activities resume?
Below we share with you some of the initial responses we received from our partners. We hope you find these insightful and useful as we do. We thank all the partners for their contributions, and we now welcome all our members and stakeholders to share with us how COVID-19 has impacted on your work and plans by answering a few questions through the survey link at the bottom of this article.
How has COVID-19 impacted your schistosomiasis work?
We would like to capture the impact COVID-19 is having on the schistosomiasis community from a diverse range of members & stakeholders, in order to provide useful feedback to the NTD community and to help GSA prioritise and align activities. We invite you to provide your insights through this online questionniare: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Z8JG2SL
Please feel free to say as much or as little as you feel comfortable with, specifics and examples from countries, programmes and research are of course welcome.
Thank you all for your continued contribution to the control and elimination of schistosomiasis. Together we will #StopSchisto and #EndtheNeglect.