Schisto Bulletin October Edition
30 Oct 2019
October's edition of Schisto Bulletin includes:
- ESPEN's tool and training material to optimize MDA implementation for schistosomiasis
- Female Genital Schistosomiasis: Opportunities for Research
- Updates from ECTMIH and 10th annual NNN conferences in Liverpool, including the GSA's REsearch working groups's ECTMIH session: Schistosomiasis Control Through The Ages
- GSA training programme held in September for Chinese partners
- Frontline AIDS FGS & HIV blog
- WASH NTD interactive online toolkit
- Latest news from the Pediatric Praziquaten Consortium
- WHO's newly published manual for PC data quality evaluation, along with video tutorials form the NTD support Centre.
- News from SCI and Evidence Action
- Research publications, resources and funding news
- Vacancies and courses
- Upcoming Events
GSA Schisto Bulletin