END Fund announced as a TED 2019 Audacious Project!
Twenty percent of the world’s population requires treatment for parasitic worm infections. They are preventable and treatable, yet continue to cause malnutrition and impaired growth and development in children. The END Fund’s Audacious Project announced at #TED2019 aims to eliminate these diseases of poverty as a public health problem in targeted countries in six years!
The Audacious Project was launched in April 2018, with a mission to foster “collaborative philanthropy for bold ideas.” Housed at TED and operated with support from The Bridgespan Group (a leading social impact advisor to nonprofits and NGOs, philanthropists and investors), The Audacious Project brings together some of the most respected organizations and individuals in philanthropy — the Skoll Foundation, Virgin Unite, Dalio Foundation and more. The Audacious Project surfaces and funds critical projects with the potential to create global change.
Find out more here: https://end.org/press-release-the-end-fund-announces-project-to-end-para...
And here: end.org/audacious/