Schistosomiasis Symposium | 13th CUHAS Scientific Graduation Conference
8-9 Nov 2023
Mwanza, Tanzania
13Th CUHAS-BUGANDO Graduation Scientific Conference will be held 8-9th November 2023 at the Malaika Beach Resort Hotel, Mwanza, Tanzania. This year's theme is 'Twenty years of CUHAS Collaborative Research for the Transformation of Health Services: Susscess, Challenges and Prospects.
As part of the conference, a Schistosomiasis Symposium will be held as a Parallel Session. The following are the sub-themes for the symposium:
- Schistosomiasis epidemiology
- Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS): current status and gaps
- Schistosomiasis Control: the role of sub-districts and micro-planning
- Towards schistosomiasis elimination: The role of water, sanitation and hygiene
- The current status and gaps in pediatric schistosomiasis
- Schistosomiasis diagnostics: Current status, challenges and future options
- The role of imaging in schistosomiasis epidemiology and management of chrocnic complications
- Co-infections of schistosomiasis with other tropical diseases
- Snails and malacology
Call for Abstracts
Abstract submissions are invited to be submitted to: graduationconference [at] gmail [dot] com; cc' mshana72 [at] bugando [dot] ac [dot] tz
The structured abstract should include:
Background; Methods; Results; Conclusion; Keywords (3-5)
- Words: No more than 350
- Font type: Book Antiqa
- Font size: 12 pts
- Spacing: single space