Science+ | Parasite evolution and impact in action – assessing the importance of hybrid schistosomes in Africa

3-4 February 2025
Royal Society - London, United Kingdom

Science+ meetings expand the Royal Society’s scientific programme beyond pure science, to those areas which build on or function alongside science, such as policy and public health.

This Science+ meeting will be led by Professor J Russell Stothard, Dr Alexandra Juhasz and Dr Lucas Cunningham from Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Professor Janelisa Musaya from Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme and University of Malawi College of Medicine.

At this scientific meeting, international groups and experts will come together to discuss the biological, clinical and evolutionary importance of several newly described hybrids of Schistosoma haematobium in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the course of the two-day meeting, speakers will embrace a One Health perspective. Discussions will focus on the underlying mechanisms that facilitate the emergence and dispersion of hybrid schistosomes. Attendees will also consider the additional clinical impact of hybrid schistosomes in urogenital disease of children and adults.

This meeting is free to attend and is intended for researchers, policy makers and industry leaders in relevant fields.

More information on the Royal Scociety website
