CNNTD | Integrating FGS to Optimize Women and Girl's Health in Africa

7 March 2025, 9-10m EST / 2-3pm GMT
virtual event

The integration of FGS offers an opportunity to deliver comprehensive, quality healthcare services for women and girls. There are various models through which FGS can be integrated into the wider health care system to ensure accurate, timely diagnosis and treatment to prevent the long-term impact from this disease on sexual and reproductive health including infertility and an increased risk of acquiring HIV and HPV. Addressing FGS – a preventable, affordably treatable illness affecting millions of women and girls across Africa – ensures existing investments in health care for women and girls at risk are responsive to their needs.


  • Showcase different models of FGS integration from East, West and Southern Africa
  • Promote an understanding of how FGS can be integrated into the wider health system, particularly sexual and reproductive health rights and services
  • Improve engagement and discussion amongst funders and implementers on existing and future opportunities for integration.
Female Genital Schistosomiasis Webinar FIG