ISNTD Connect GSA Series: New pediatric treatment to fill gaps towards the elimination of schistosomiasis: a scientific journey for and with society
10 November 2020 (14:00 GMT)
ISNTD Connect

To celebrate UNESCO World Science Day this webinar, part of the ISNTD Connect-GSA series, will present and discuss new pediatric treatment to fill gaps towards the elimination of schistosomiasis: a scientific journey for and with society.
Join us to hear Dr Maurice Odiere (Head, Neglected Tropical Diseases Unit, Kenya Medical Research Institute, KEMRI), Dr Jutta Reinhard-Rupp (Head, Global Health Institute, Merck) and Dr Remco de Vrueh (Senior Program Manager & Portfolio Lead Global Health, Lygature) talk about their collalborative work in the Pediatric Praziquantel Consortium.
Register for the webinar on the ISNTD Connect webpage.
Webinar GSA Research