British Society for Parasitology Autumn Symposium 2022
19-20 Sept 2022
Keele University and online
Achieving impact in parasitology: learning lessons from interdisciplinary research and community engagement.
Delivering interventions to control or eliminate parasitic disease are more likely to be successful when a strong interdisciplinary approach and meaningful culturally-appropriate engagement with the affected communities are used.
Our two day autumn symposium at Keele University in Staffordshire UK (and online), will discuss how lessons learnt from practitioners of interdisciplinary delivery and community engagement can help to bring about effective healthcare interventions for the control of parasitic diseases. Topics will include the association between NTDs and mental health, stigma, epidemiology and disease modelling, methodologies for engaging communities and much more.
Online attendance is free for LMIC delegates, sponsored by Elsevier
- David Molyneux, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
- Maria-Gloria Basanez, Imperial College London
- Goylette Chami, University of Oxford
- Margriet den Boer, Médecins Sans Frontières
- Lina Pinto-García, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
- Poppy Lamberton, University of Glasgow
- Lisa Dikomitis, ECLIPSE, University of Kent
- Leny Trad, ECLIPSE, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
- Karsor Kollie, NTD Programme Director, Liberia
- Laura Dean, REDRESS, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
- Sweta Singh, BHU, India
Register through the BSP website
Research Behaviour change Diagnostics