WHO calls for NTDs Monitoring and Evaluation Experts to join WHO Working Group
The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking nominations from experts to support the work of the Department of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases in monitoring and evaluating the progress made under the current 2012-2020 road map and for the new road map which will start from January 2021- December 2030.
Monitoring and Evaluation has been identified as one of the priority areas for tracking progress and seen as a gap across multiple diseases. The terms of reference of the Working Group on Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (WG-MER) can be accessed through this website.
Members of the WG-MER will be expected to provide the Department and the STAG-NTD with high quality, evidence-based advice on monitoring and evaluation needs and identify associated research priorities where gaps in understanding are present.
Procedures for nomination
All application materials (curriculum vitae, covering letter and completed declaration of interest forms) should be sent by email to neglected [dot] diseases [at] who [dot] int on/before 28 February 2020.