
NTD programmes and collaborating partners need to track progress towards reaching the WHO NTD Roadmap goals. Each country has a strategic or masterplan with specific objectives and actions to reach the control and elimination goals and to measure achievements through specific coverage and infection indicators.

Both infection prevalence and intensity are key indicators used by countries to monitor and evaluate interventions and to track progress towards control or elimination of the disease. Countries require sensitive diagnostic tools that are affordable and can be used in low-resource settings.

With many groups working worldwide on the development of new SCH tools, the multi-stakeholder platform offered by the GSA brings together individuals working on SCH diagnostics to foster communication as well as synergize efforts in delivering the tools that are required to bridge the gap between where we are now and the WHO goals.

Three main areas of focus for the SCH diagnostic work stream are:

  • Identify the different use cases, the product development requirement and their investment needs
  • Discuss logistic requirements and level of implementation where these new tools could be utilized within the national health system
  • Develop communication materials for national programmes and community health workers on how to use/operate and implement these new tools when they become available

Chaired by Drs Jean Coulibaly and Pytsje Hoekstra-Mevius, the GSA Diagnostic work stream is collating information on current commercially available diagnostics, collection & diagnostic protocols and information on samples biobank for schisto diagnostic development.